Thursday, December 22, 2011

Season Greetings

Thank you for stitching along with me this year. I am still stitching but it is on other projects, Christmas gifts, new class projects. I hope to get back to my crazy patch soon. Today I wanted to share a vintage piece that just had to come home with me.

Keep stitching,

Friday, December 9, 2011

365 stitch a long - day 119 combo stitch

This time of year is sew busy. I am hoping you are finding a few moments to breath and stitch.
Todays stitch is a combo. Fast and easy. It takes longer to select colors and thread the

Keep stitching,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

365 stitch a long - day 118 cloud stitch

Todays stitch is a woven stitch called the cloud stitch. Not sure why it is called this but it is used as a filler stitch also. Start with small straight stitches that are used as anchors. Weave your second thread through the anchors.

Keep stitching,


Flew the coup